Welcome to Magnolia Junior High, where we strive for all students to push the limits of possibility! If MJH students are to realize the best version of themselves, we must marshal not only all the resources our school has to offer but provide the information and opportunities necessary for parents to take an active role in their child's success, as well.
To that end, provided below is a quick reference for some of the topics most frequently inquired about by students and parents. This is only a small portion of the important information to be found on this website and is just one of many ways to stay in touch with MJH. For more, visit the Students & Parents section on the homepage.
Student Expectations
Student success begins with an understanding of how to be successful, which is why every MJH student is introduced to "The Mustang Way" at the beginning of the year or when they enroll. This short series of videos explains the basic expectations students are held to as members of the MJH community. To view these videos, click HERE.
Attendance at school is extremely important for student success. We need our students at school and in class. The Texas Education Code requires that students attend at least 90% of the time it is in session to receive credit per semester. The code requires schools to deny credit for students found in violation of this rule. Students will be given an opportunity to regain credit by following a detailed plan outlined by the student’s assistant principal. Please know that attendance is taken in each individual class and credit is determined on a class by class basis. Click HERE to review the Attendance Guidelines for MJH.
Dress Code
Any form of dress or hairstyle that the principal or assistant principals deem to be disruptive to the educational environment, a health or safety hazard, or inappropriate in any way will not be allowed. All violations will require the student to change into clothes that adhere to the dress code, and the original clothing items will be stored in the assistant principals' office until the end of the day. These can be items the student has on them or that a parent or guardian brings to the school.
Parent/Student Sign-In/Sign-Out
Visitor sign-in/sign-out is conducted at the reception area at the front entrance. All visitors must have a valid driver’s license to enter the building, and all visitors will be scanned into our system. Please note that the building is monitored at all times by security cameras. Students arriving late to first period or after, or who are leaving school early, will sign-in/sign-out at the reception area in the front of the school. If your student needs to be picked-up early from school, please send a note with him or her to be turned in to the attendance office as soon as they arrive at school, or call at least one hour ahead of time. This will save you and the school time and effort. Please report to the reception area to sign your student in/out. No students will be signed out during the last 20 minutes of the school day.
Tardy Policy
The tardy policy for the year can be found in the student handbook and will be reviewed in all classrooms beginning the first day of school. Make sure that you allow additional time during the first week of school and any time road conditions may cause delays.
School Supplies
2024-2025 School Supplies List
Electronic Devices
Students are permitted to use cell phones before school, in the hallways between classes, and during lunch. Earbuds and headphones are only permitted during lunch. Phones can only be used in the classroom for instructional purposes when approved by the teacher. Cell phones will not be charged during the school day. The use of mobile telephones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event. The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.
If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. Collected devices can be returned to a student at the end of the instructional day, and a $5 fee will be charged for any cell phones collected. Upon the second confiscation of an item, the device may be redeemed for $5, but a parent or guardian must pick up the item. Upon the third confiscation of an item and each confiscation after that the item may be redeemed for $5, a parent or guardian must pick up the item, and a disciplinary consequence will be assigned, including a loss of phone privileges at school. Instances of serious misuse may result in an immediate loss of phone privileges.